Advice for Middle School, Please? | Comments

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  • It really depends on where you live, live in New Zealand and we have about a week to turn in homework, I'm in middle school and I'm in 7th not 6th but I'll tell you what I know. They give you the supplies you need you don't need to buy them and it depends on what bus you ride most the buses are loud and crazy and the other half is pure calm, my hands are starting to hurt but like I said depends on where u live

    Quiet girl677
  • They usually give you extra time to get to your classes the first week, so you don't really have to worry about being late to them. And (for my schools) they have an open house where you get your schedule, and you get to meet your teachers, and figure out where all of your classes are. Don't worry too much because you're not alone and pretty much everyone is freaking out, so try to get to know some new people. Make new friends and be social. That's really all I can say.

  • I don't have advice cause im going to middel school too. so guess I also need advice but its good to know im not alone


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