Adults-9 What CORPORAL WORK of MERCY are you?

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Are you a sheep or a goat? Jesus tells us that the sheep - or those who see Him in those in need will be with Him at the end of time. When do we see Him hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless, sick, imprisoned, dying? All around us.

The quiz is intended to show us our strengths as sheep and where we are goats needing to change some behaviors, so that we may never have to ask the question, "Lord, when did I see you hungry, or naked? ..."

Created by: Kathleen
  1. What would you do with a free Saturday?
  2. Which sounds like the best way to use the gifts God gave you?
  3. You've got an extra $25 you want to donate. You'd choose:
  4. Which CORPORAL Work of Mercy to you like to do the most?
  5. You need to work on this CORPORAL Work of Mercy.
  6. You'd be most interested in learning:
  7. You like to be around people who:
  8. The most uncomfortable thing you think you should be doing is:
  9. You think our Parish should do more for which group / issue?
  10. Your family is best at:

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Quiz topic: Adults-9 What CORPORAL WORK of MERCY am I?