Adopt me quiz to find out how much you know

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One reason I made this quiz is because if you have been playing about me for so long maybe find out if it is true.if you like to challenge your self to find out how much you know then this quiz is for you.

Another reason I made this quiz is to see how much you guys know about adopt me . I like to see if people really know how much they think they know so I made this quiz . If you think you really know much about adopt me then maybe take this quiz😊😊😎

Created by: Jaleah
  1. Can you get a unicorn out of a cracked egg?
  2. What house is more money?
  3. In the Christmas update is 2020 what happened if you bumped into a penguin
  4. What can you get it of the fossil egg?
  5. Where can you get a horse?
  6. How much stars from the star rewards do you need for a golden egg or diamond egg?
  7. What is the name of the worker at the pizza place?
  8. Are there new trading Windows is adopt me to trade?
  9. Are there obbies in adopt me?
  10. Where is the secret vent ?

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