How well do you know adopt me?

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This is a quiz to test how well you know adopt me, there are right AND wrong answers you must choose wisely of which is correct. And u cannot search online for answers.

You CANNOT go to adopt me and find the answers for your quiz…because this is a quiz to see if you know adopt me ! Please try to solve these questions on your own.

Created by: Ally?
  1. what egg came after the blue and pink egg?
  2. Who is found at the ice cream shop?
  3. how many common are there?
  4. How many robux does the honey cost?
  5. Which food does not exist in the game?
  6. What food can be found at the VIP area?
  7. Is a unicorn for a crow a fair trade?
  8. Who is the creator of adopt me?
  9. How many steps are there to make a full-grown?
  10. The new cobra pet cost 500 robux and the rarity is legendary, True or False?
  11. How many birds are there in Adopt me?
  12. Is the zombie buffalo Ultra-rare or Legendary?
  13. Was there a clothing shop in Adopt Me?
  14. which potion was removed from the sky castle?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know adopt me?
