A-Z sanity test (i fixed it)

This quiz uses my A-Z sanity system do not use it for medical prepossessing and if you do i am not responsible and nor is gotoquiz.com.i hope you enjoy my quiz

The quiz has ten seemingly random questions that have nothing to do with sanity but just trust the weird system that is my mind i ope everyone is happy with their results also this is the A-Z sanity test 2.0 i messed up the first one so sorry if you took that one

Created by: Fraiy
  1. Pick an element
  2. Pick a word
  3. Pick a game
  4. Pick an instrument
  5. Pick a Simpsons character
  6. Pick a siengfeld character
  7. Pick a decade
  8. Pick one of my 2024 jokes
  9. Pick a weapon
  10. Pick a band

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