A wolf love story Dove`s view

Aw poor Doe you will find a truly sad story I want to cry for Dove ( She is 1 1/2 years old at the beginning. I do not recommend this for boys just saying

Hi girl do no jump or ya ID and ID so I am gonna go player little pony on my android device then go to sleep yeah I love tacos cya later I don't know randomness

Created by: WolfXprime
  1. Dove pricked Snags pelt. It smelled of fleas and feathers. Peacock could fix it. She was the best elder healer EVAH
  2. Your best friend Drake pads over with a pretty deep scar on his flank you
  3. Suddenly you feel the urge to like Drake. Amigo doesn't seem as friendly compared to Drake. His emerald green eyes, that light gray, fuzzy pelt of his... you shake that thought away.
  4. A Vision enclosed that night. Drake , the wolf named Strike,and Amigo were there, their gaze fixated on you. Your mom was behind you, a scar on her eye and belly. No.... you managed to exploit, your mother cannot die.Amigo stood up, shrieking WHO?!???!!!
  5. Your Wolf Healer name was Dovelove. You decided you would mate with... Wollongong be replace with 00000
  6. 00000, do you want to be mate? You asked 00000 after repeating it 999999999999999 times. He replied with a confident solemn yes. :-)
  7. Epic timeskip 9 months later... The pups inside you churned and kicked, obviously trying to play. Dovelove sighed. She missed being able to assist old Peacock, Peacock was having some difficulty hearing. The churns got hard and harder, until it felt lIkea your stomach was ripped open, you could feel one of the 5 pups moving its leg back, appearing to notice you were in pain of it. A few minutes later, the pain got even worse. All 5 of them were kicking and twisting, you felt like you were drowning in a tornado. Peacock came to check on you, and froze in terror. You hardly were moving, the pain nearly killing you. Peacock then rushed over and ruffled your fur to make sure you were alive. You managed to gasp a faint I'm still alive, but you felt like you were dead. Peacock stayed in the den with you for the rest of the night. You always knew Peacock could manage without some sleep. At about 4 Am, you felt jolts. You helped in alarm, but Peacock hadn't noticed. More jolt came vigorously, causing you to tremble and shake. You shrieked in pain, and 00000 rushed in, alarmed. Peacock warned him to stay away, so 00000 did. The 5 pups came quickly, 3 being a light grey and white mix, one tan, and one ginger like. You knew they were trouble since the second they came. 8 minutes after, one of the light gray and white pups lay still, unmoving. you howled in terror. That Must have been the painful pup, he exhausted himself too much, killing him.
  8. 30 minutes later, one ginger pup and one light gray and white pup joined the first.You knew your ancestors were displeased with those pups,, The tried to kill you before they were born. Vision, 3 dead pups, your mom, and the carnivore. You knew you could not change fate, but you wish your mother wouldn't have to die...
  9. Bye come up with a song and dance!!!!
  10. Fate

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