A Talk With Kawalski

There are many people who take this quiz but what would you get? Kawalski will eather love, or hate you what would you get? Talking to me and kawalski.

So what will we think about you in this talk we will eather love you, hate you, be afraid of you, or just like you welltake thiss awesome quiz to find out.

Created by: penguinlover
  1. Ok welcome to talk with kawalski ok first queston, kawalski! Kawalski:whyat is your favorite subject at school?
  2. Are you a spy of dr blowhole? Kawalski: hey I ask the questons! Me:ok you go! Kawalski:are you a spy of dr blowhole? Me:I just!-never mind...
  3. Kawalski: do you think I am incredably handsome?
  4. Kawalski: what word would you describe me as me: dude, seriusly? Kawalski: what? I am out of queshtons!?
  5. Kawalski: how good is cheesy dibbles? Me: cheetos! Kawalski: whatever!
  6. Does pivate look rediculas with antlears kawalski: he looked hillarius! Me: I was asking them!
  7. What do you like to do? Kawalski: and don't say anything hurt full!
  8. Kawalski: would you like it if I made anything you want?
  9. Bye-bye kawalski:bye-bye.
  10. Well kawalski left so one more queshton.
  11. Should I make another quiz (put this in the comments)?

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