Wanna Talk?

Hi! I'm Really Bored! So, I've Decided, Why Not Talk To Each And Everyone Of You?!  

I Don't Know If It's Necessarily A Quiz, But The Results Can Either Be :) (Happy), :( (Mad Or Sad), And :| (None Of The Above) So, Let's Talk!

Created by: Person
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi!
  2. So, What's Your Favorite Color?
  3. So, How's The Weather Out There Today?
  4. But I Got A Blank Space Baby...
  5. What Country Do You Live In? (I Promise You, I'm Not A Stalker)
  6. You Are A Good Friend!
  7. What Do You Like More? (Eating Edition)
  8. What Do You Like More? (Clothes Edition)
  9. Cats Or Dogs?
  10. Well, Bye!
  11. Smile!

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