A Stuffed Animal Story

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This is a story in which you are gifted a new stuffed animal from the neighbors, and it leads you into a dream-like adventure with various options that will decide your fate.

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Created by: McDoodleFarting
  1. You wake up looking around at your brand new house you just moved into yesterday, your Mom walks in bringing in a basket full of unusual stuffed creatures. How do you react?
  2. Your Mother tells you that the family next door had a garage sale and she picked up some toys for you and your siblings. You feel excited as you haven't gotten a new stuffed animal in a while. Which one do you grab?
  3. You're done with school and have some free time to play with your stuffy. What shall you play together?
  4. It's now time for bed, do you grab your stuffy?
  5. In the middle of the night you start hearing your closet door creak open. And right there, sitting near the door is your new stuffed animal! How do you react?
  6. You close the closet door and head back to bed, but as you feel yourself drifting back into sleep you hear your closet door creak open, except this time, your stuffy's not there! Where do you search first?
  7. You find the stuffed creature walking into the creaky closet. How is that even possible? You decide to follow it, but while you are doing so your closet seems as though it's becoming longer as you walk and the door has disappeared! What do you do?
  8. The wall suddenly gets closer and closer, you try to run away from it but its too quick! It pushes you to the end of the hallway and there, you see a selection of doors this could be a way to escape! Which door do you go through?
  9. You slowly open the door and see nothing but darkness. Your stuffy runs in after you, you decide to go through. Do you proceed with caution?
  10. You enter and as you get closer the room becomes brighter and brighter, and there, you see a kingdom filled with stuffies! Huge waterfalls and mountains and caves everywhere, its amazing! How do you react?
  11. You see guards come and run towards you! They pick you up and throw you off of a cliff! You grab the edge and save yourself, but your grip is quickly slipping. What do you do?

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