a skeppy quiz with my knowledge

Okay yes so hi, there will probably already be a skeppy quiz somewhere. But i still think i should do this i'm also a big fan of skeppy. i hope you enjoy this quiz!

do i rreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally have to fill this in?! uff fine. pls help me and give this 1 star okay i'm done now right guys please don't support me NOOW bye bye

Created by: flik
  1. ___BoyHalo
  2. French Man
  3. who is diamond
  4. badboyhalo: YOUR ALL _______!
  5. peanut butter meme: jif number meme: __ idiot meme: idot respect meme: F
  6. click me
  7. when skeppy is fighting he says _____
  8. i'm bald
  9. i was t__t__g
  10. what was the 1st question?

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