Are you a MJ fan?

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Are you a Mj fan if so take this quiz noow to find out is you are a real one and you are really cool i hope u enjoy this test cuz its amazing lol hahaha

Hello please enjoy i am very happy this quiz has taken me toooooo long to do please help i need to do my school work or ill cry im so sorry enjoy guys

Created by: Eliana
  1. What day did Michael Die?
  2. How many siblings did Michael have?
  3. Did Michael have vitiligo
  4. What is Michael's Middle name?
  5. Why did Michael get plastic surgery?
  6. What age was Michael when he died
  7. Did Michael invent the "Moonwalk"?
  8. What are the names of Michaels parents?
  9. On Septemeber 11th 2001 Where did Michael have a Business meeting but was Late?
  10. Did Michael have Kids?

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Quiz topic: Am I a MJ fan?
