A Hogwarts Love Story! (part one)

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Want to know who you will fall in love with if you went to Hogwarts? Here's your chance to find out! Will it be The Famous Harry Potter? The Herbology Obsessed Neville Longbottom? The Twins? Or Draco Malfoy? Oliver Wood? No? Maybe Ronald Weasley?

I want to thank all the other GTQ Users out there who made Hogwarts love stories, Especially one person: natuhleegayle! She posted 42 Hogwarts Love Story Quizzes, and those quizzes helped me with this new Quiz Series! Enjoy, and Natuhleegayle, i hope you come back soon! natuhleegayle's quizzes were from year 3 to 8, but i'm going to do all of them, so you guys can see how the friendships bloom!

  1. Hello Everyone! This is a new series i am making, dedicated to all GTQ users that make Hogwarts Love Stories! Please also look at my other quizzes on my page!
  2. You arrive at the Platform 9 3/4 for the first time, and you kiss your mother and father goodbye. they can't go in with you, as they have to get back to work. after just moving from the US, where you SUPPOSED to be at Ilvermorny, you were a little sad, but accepted it. you close your eyes and break into a run at the wall, as the teacher from Hogwarts said to do. you open your eyes, and there sits the Hogwarts Express. you (with some help from a nice couple) load your luggage onto the train. you walk from compartment to compartment, looking for an empty one. you find one, put down your bag you decided to keep with you, and pull out a book. next thing you know, a curly headed girl and a shy (and kinda cute) boy slides open the door. the girl looks at you "may we join you? i'm Hermione Granger, and he's Neville Longbottom."
  3. Hermione and Neville sit down across from you, and a toad you didn't see in Neville's hand jumps down and hops out of the compartment. Neville groans. "not again..." Hermione immediately jumps up and follows it, trying to catch it. Neville and you are left behind, watching out the window. "anything from the trolley, dears?" a voice coming from the door startles you both. you pull out some galleons and buy a bunch of chocolate frogs and boxes of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. you give a couple to Neville, and then open yours. "oh. i got Dumbledore again." Neville gloomily says. "What's wrong with Dumbledore?" you ask. "nothing's wrong with him, it's just that I have a bunch of him." he responds. you look down, and see you have Nicholas Flamel.
  4. "i got Nicholas Flamel, would you like to trade? i have a couple of him already, but no Dumbledore." you say, lighting up. Dumbledore is the only card you don't have yet, and it made Neville's face light up with joy as well. "oh, really? i don't have Nicholas Flamel yet!" you....
  5. No matter what you chose, you gave him the card. "Oh, thank you!" He says, face lighting up even more. Suddenly, the compartment door slides open, and there stands Hermione, in her school robes. "Both of you'd better get your robes on soon. I expect we'll be at the castle shorty." She says. "Did you find Trevor?" Neville asks, worriedly. "Sadly, i didn't. I'm sorry, Neville." She replies, her brows furrowing. You both hurry out of the compartment, looking for somewhere to change. After you find a place, change, and go back, you see two boys sitting in a compartment, eating a bunch of things that probably came off the trolley. You knock on the door, and they say in unison "who's there?" You open the door "Hello, i'm Y/n..." What do you finish with?
  6. they invite you in, and introduce themselves as Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter. Ronald says you can just call him Ron. He pulls out his wand, in demonstration of a spell his brothers told him, when The door suddenly opens again and you see Hermione at the door. "Have you seen a toad, a boy named Neville's lost one. Oh, are you doing magic, let's see then" she says, sitting down. Ron clears his throat, and recites the spell "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow" scabbers, a rat that has his head stuck in a bertie bott's every flavor beans box, squeaks and rubs his whiskers, but stays the same color. what do you say?
  7. you FINALLY arrive at the school, and a really tall man leads the first years to the edge of the Black Lake, where boats are resting, waiting to ferry you across. you get on one with Hermione and Neville, and get off on the other side, where Neville decides to fall into the water. the giant man, Hagrid, reaches a hand into the water and pulls Neville out. you all makes your way up the stairs, where a old woman, who introduces herself as Professor McGonagall, says "welcome to Hogwarts,The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts." you walk into the great hall and...
  8. they call out your name, and you go up to the front. the Sorting Hat is sat on your head, and you sit there, hands clenched as you think about which house you'll be in, if any. finally... 'HUFFLEPUFF' the Hat shouts out. you sigh in relief, and walk to your table
  9. Okay guys, thank you SO MUCH for taking this quiz!!! i realized too late that i didn't put Cedric as one of the results... i'm sorry Cedric Simps!!! :(
  10. do you think i should do more of these quizzes?

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