-Wings of fire quiz-

Hello!This is a quiz to tell you what charter you are! you can get Arctic,Darkstalker,Moonwatcher,Burn,Blaze,BLister,Quible,Winter,Albatross,and cricket.This is not for any thing bad!

My name Is Mackenzie I made this quiz just for fun!I love wings of fire and wish we we're in the time of dragons.I wish they were real!I have made a lot of hybrids and fan made species like:Plague wing, dirt wing, and crystal wing.

Created by: Mackenzie
  1. Do you like villains that have a huge role in the story?
  2. What theme do you like?
  3. Who do you think should have won the war?
  4. What is your favorite tribe?
  5. How do you feel about your self?
  6. Do you like hybrids?
  7. What would make you K!LL
  8. what's your gender?
  9. Would you save sunny?
  10. Do you like ships? (putting dragons/people together to be lovers)

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