.+*what is your theriotype?*+.

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hellooooooo!! Im Kai Faolan, but you can call me Natasha! in this quiz, you can find out your theriotype by only answering these simple questions! they arent 100% accurate, but at least i tryed

btw, if you want, you can follow me on: tiktok(kai_the_fanboy) or on capcut(K41TH3F4NB0Y)im really weird btw, take care around me lol 9(im jk, dont take it seriouslly)

Created by: +*Therian_Natasha*+
  1. which type of place do you like the most?
  2. what is your fav type of animal?
  3. when you do quads, witch animal you like to mimic the most?
  4. whats your masks animals?
  5. do you feel any urge?
  6. did you ever felt attraction to any animal?
  7. do you have any therian idol?
  8. do you have any fav therian music?
  9. if your a anti-therian, why are you here?
  10. are you anything else? like, a furry or otherkin and etc?
  11. rate my quizzz- this was my first quiz!!
  12. thats it i think. some stuff about me:

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Quiz topic: .+*what is my theriotype?*+.
