[Quiz Title Here]Which Belle character are you?

In this quiz,I will ask you some questions about your preferences. You have to choose wisely for each question. I hope you enjoy! I have to write characters so…Anyways,I hope you have a lovely day,see you until then!

Are you ready to find out which character are you? Thai is my second quiz,if you can,check out my very first quiz:How well do you know the movie Maleficent?

Created by: Aurora
  1. So,out of these options,what job/role will you pick?
  2. Pick whatever suits you best,this is definitely important! (Don’t pick a random answer).
  3. Are you a misogynist? Tell the truth. (Answer wisely as this may have effect on your score).
  4. Pick the best (or the one you are related to based on your letter) smiley face,this is VERY important.
  5. Are you ready for a story? (This is not random). Scenario 1:You arrived at a castle to find a beast,he has captured your father. What do you do?
  6. Again,fairytales? Books without pictures perhaps? (Choose very very wisely).
  7. Four more questions to go! How would you describe yourself?
  8. Three more! Scenario 2:So you fell in love with the beast. Or did you?
  9. You are so amazing!
  10. Did you enjoy?

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Quiz topic: [Quiz Title Here]Which Belle character am I?
