Are you a therian

This quiz can help you find out if your a therian, this is not 100% accurate but it can still help, i THINK its 80 or 90% accurate, i dont know so maybe do research

Im a therian btw 🐾 remember NOT 100% ACCURATE, DO RESEARCH, also try more accurate quizes, anyways i have to make this longer soo shsjnsbsnsnsbsjsndjdbdj dndjdbdjdbdndndnndndndnenej, i hope you enjoy

Created by: Kay
  1. Do you have a connection to any animal
  2. Do you get shifts (not all therians get shifts)
  3. If yes, what shifts do you get
  4. Do you like to go outside
  5. Hello :3
  6. Are you gonna do research after this
  7. Ok back to real questions, do you wish you were an animal
  8. Do you think ur a therian
  9. Im making no effect questions cuz i am bored
  10. Hewwo
  11. Ok last question, do u get disorphia
  12. Ok this is the last one
  13. Bye :3

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian
