"One More for the Road" album quiz

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TPEG's debut LP is a compilation of the band's first two EPs, originally released before and after the introduction of Tina, respectively. Also included are four bonus outtakes taken from the original session tapes. These songs make up the soundtrack for the (upcoming) rockumentry of the same name.

How well do you know the lyrics and other stuff to the "One More for the Road" album? Take this quiz, then see what frontman Ian has to say about your efforts.

Created by: TFSyndicate

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which one of these tracks is NOT an instrumental?
  2. What kind of books does the "Renaissance Man" enjoy reading?
  3. What's the title for Track 3 (NO PEEKING)
  4. I'm not a(n) _____ or a(n) _____
  5. "One elevators running instead of three"
  6. Which word is used the most on Track 6?
  7. "You don't need quick rock to say _____"
  8. What is the "One More" in "One More for the Road"?
  9. According to the untitled track, what is so "cute and cuddly" about flower children?
  10. Which of these bridges does Lemmie Addam cross?
  11. Ian didn't produce the "Ray's Pizza" track. Who did?

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