TPEG character quiz (Chapter 1)

Hi, I'm Ian Furelli. I'm the frontman for my band, the Plastic E-Gulls. I play guitar alongside my fiancee Ellen Blinstone on keyboard, our childhood friend Brian O'Feeny on drums, and my clone Tina on bass.

You know, you bare a helluva resemblance to one of the guys in my band, but I can't put my finger on exactly who it is. Anyway, take this quiz and find out for yourself.

Created by: TFSyndicate

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a clone or do you (wish to) have a clone?
  2. Do you currently live with one or more of your childhood friends as roommates?
  3. If you were in a rock band, what would be your choice of instrument?
  4. What's your favorite food (from the choices given)?
  5. Which virtual band do you look up to?
  6. Which (real) artist do you look up to?
  7. What do you like to spend your free time doing?
  8. What TPEG song describes you best?
  9. What's your favorite hangout?
  10. Something weird has happened out on the street! What's your reaction?
  11. Who would you share your bedroom with?
  12. What do people call you the most?

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