~How Well Do You Know These Songs?~

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Are you a music lover? Cool. Me, too. Why don't you take this quiz to test your knowledge on music? Amazing me with your score and see how much you know.

Welcome to my music quiz. On this quiz, you'll have to guess the artist, lyrics, song title, or release year. I'd love to see how well you all do. Good luck.

Created by: Cofi
  1. Which one is a line from "Dear Maria, Count Me in"?
  2. What year did "I gotta Feeling" come out?
  3. The Song "Fireflies" was written by whom?
  4. BTS featured which singer in "Boy With Luv"?
  5. "Happier" by Marshmello was released in what year?
  6. What One Ok Rock song did the lyrics "Wherever you stand, just start to walk" come from?
  7. Which artist has these lyrics in one of their songs? "I'm just trying to keep my head above water, I'm your son and I'm your daughter"
  8. Which band wrote "Nine and Three Quarters (Run Away)"?
  9. Sonic Frontiers features a song from what group?
  10. Who wrote "Where is the Love"?

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Quiz topic: ~How Well do I Know These Songs?~
