what music genre are you into?

3x4=12 this is a quiz that music lovers play. hi my name is music love. this is a quiz that music lovers play. nearly sixty thousand musicians can't play music today.

4x3=12 hi my name is music love. this is a quiz that music lovers play. today thing are getting worst at music.com music is not the go and art apparently is better.

Created by: nicholas wilson
  1. what do you listen to?
  2. what instruments can you play?
  3. how many instruments can you play?
  4. how old are you?
  5. male or female
  6. music is evolving throughout this time of the year. if there was a war in music, what music genre are you fighting for?
  7. music or sport?
  8. music or work?
  9. if music didn't exist what would be your reaction?
  10. with out music life would Bb?

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Quiz topic: What music genre am I into?
