[Guys Only] What hanging wedgie do you deserve? How long?

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Hey there! This quiz will tell you what kind of hanging wedgie you deserve, and how long you have to stay there! Tighty Whitey wearers bears because this can be anything from a door to a flagpole!

Once you're take this quiz and see your results, remember that you are required to do the wedgie after. If you don't have access to a flagpole, than do it from a tree and double the time. You can either get someone else to give you the wedgie, you give it to yourself. It doesn't matter as long as it gets done.

Created by: NerdiestNerd
  1. What underwear do you wear?
  2. How many wedgies have you gotten in the past?
  3. Have you ever gotten a hanging wedgie?
  4. If so, how long was the longest you have been in a hanging wedgie for?
  5. Do you ever get stripped down to your underwear in a hanging wedgie?
  6. Where is the worst place you've been hung from in a hanging wedgie?
  7. What would you be considered in school?
  8. What is your favorite extracurricular
  9. What is your sexuality?
  10. How you enjoyed the quiz! Remember you are required to give yourself this wedgie! If you don't have access to a flagpole, you can do a Tree but you must double the time!

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Quiz topic: [Guys Only] What hanging wedgie do I deserve? How long?

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