Dragon Ball Fire Sprite

Which of my made up Dragon Ball Z characters are you? My characters from my fan fiction series, Dragon Ball: Star Crystal and Dragon Ball:Fire Spirit

Would you be a saiyan like Victoria? A demon like Hale? Would you be evil? Or good? And what about your great power? Will you shapeshift or mind read? Take this quiz to find out.

Created by: Lexi
  1. What color is your aura?
  2. What would you do if you were Goku?
  3. Who would you bring back with the dragon balls?
  4. What would you wish for with the dragon balls?
  5. Who's your favorite character?
  6. What attack would you have?
  7. What is your gender?
  8. What is your power?
  9. What's your mood?
  10. Good/Evil?
  11. What do you think of this quiz?

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