does he love me quiz

This is a quiz developed by a nine year old, just back from camp, and apparently bored or genius. Take this quiz if you want to know if he loves you, or would at least save your butt.

Does he love you? Do you want to know? This quiz will tell you. You will know for sure. Do you believe that? If you answered yes or no, you would be correct. Take it anyway!! Fun answers!!!

Created by: bloom 1234567890
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how much do you like him?
  2. how much does he like you?
  3. what is his popularity?
  4. what is your popularity?
  5. does he talk to you much?
  6. do you talk to him much?
  7. does he remember you r birthday
  8. do you remember his birthday
  9. does he put up with your annoying little brother?
  10. does he pick you flowers?

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