¿Can you create your own clone?

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This questionnaire is to see what type of clone you are, and what personality your clone has, Im so gratefull, realy, realy, thank you to choose GoToQuizz

He also assigns you to a legion, and you know that sometimes he plays you with very strict jedi, thankas, thankes, thankis, thankos, thankus, thankhs, thankys.

Created by: Sinker&Boost
  1. ¿What´s your fauvorite genral jedi?
  2. ¿Where do you feel satsfied?
  3. ¿What´s your fauvorite weapon?
  4. What would you do if you were left with just a standing squad surrounded by hundreds of droids?
  5. chose a color
  6. regarding your general jedi's plan
  7. What attitude would you present on the battlefield?
  8. after long days of battle
  9. The general is wounded. What would you do?
  10. What climate do you prefer?

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Quiz topic: ¿can I create my own clone?
