Are you really you?

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Does your life ever feel slightly off? Like there is something missing and you cant quite put your finger on it? Do you have reoccurring dreams and thoughts that make you doubt your own existence? If so, you may be a clone.

Are you a clone? If you have asked yourself this question on more than one occasion now you can know for sure. Take this quiz and in a few minutes you can have the answer you have been searching for.

Created by: Heather Duke
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you experience deja vu often?
  2. What kind of belly button do you have?
  3. How many photos are there of you as a baby?
  4. Have you ever seen a picture that you are in and have no recollection of it?
  5. Have you ever seen a picture that you are in and have no recollection of it?
  6. Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?
  7. Have you ever seen a picture of someone that looks exactly like you, but you are not a twin?
  8. Have you ever woken up in a strange place with no recollection how you got there?
  9. How old were you in your earliest memories?
  10. Choose from the following collection of movies:

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Quiz topic: Am I really you?