(BIONICLE) The Ultimate Mask of Light Trivia

How much do you think you know about the 2003 movie, BIONICLE: Mask of Light? Figure it out here! (Most of these are things I figured out on my own, but some are from IMDB. Still, no peeking unless you're truly stumped.)

Warning: The questions here aren't about lore like your average Bionicle quiz. These are for hardcore fans, so don't feel bad if you get a score below 50%.

Created by: Leena Valtapaz
  1. Before entering Onu-Koro, Jala and Takua come across Matoran writing on a rock. What does it say?
  2. Who voiced Huki?
  3. How many times does Jala say, Takua!?
  4. In the early drafts for Mask of Light, Pohatu would originally have an accent. Which accent was it going to be?
  5. How many lines of dialogue did Onua get?
  6. What does the secret message at the ending credits say?
  7. In an early draft, another person would supposedly be the main character instead of Takua. Who was this character?
  8. To make sure the characters would stay true to their toy counterparts, the animators assembled and dissembled exactly how many BIONICLE pieces during production?
  9. How many speaking roles are in the movie?
  10. Lego proposed the idea for a different plot, but this never came to fruition. What plot was this?

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