[Are You Capable Of Killing?]

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This Quiz Is To Tell You Wether Its Possible For You To Kill. There are three results Killer, Maybe, and No. answer The 10 questions to get your result.

I do not know what to write so im just gonna repeat. things.There are three results Killer, Maybe, and No. answer The 10 questions to get your result.

Created by: YatoThePoorGod
  1. What Is Your Age?
  2. Do You Ever Think About Killing?
  3. Have you commit any crimes? (major crimes count as well)
  4. Could you live with hurting someone to get something you want
  5. Do you care about other's emotions/feelings
  6. Have you ever cut yourself?
  7. How do you deal with anger? (pick the one you mostly do)
  8. Does the prospect of dying scare you
  9. Which word best describes you?
  10. Do you hurt your other siblings?

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Quiz topic: [am I Capable Of Killing?]
