a stolen life

on [a date you should know!] Jaycee dugard was abducted by ______ and ______ ______. on [another date I WILL NOT TELL YOU] she was found alive in [a U.S. city]

take this quiz to find out how much you know about her 18 year ordeal!! uggh I have to type more because it's a site requirement lalalalala mmmmm YAY it's done!

Created by: yeahbuddy
  1. when was Jaycee dugard kidnapped?
  2. who was the male abductors name?
  3. what about the female abductors name?
  4. how old was Jaycee at the time?
  5. what city was she abducted from?
  6. what city was she taken to?
  7. what was the main reason for the abduction?
  8. what is Jaycee's daughters names?
  9. who rescued her?
  10. what day was she rescued?

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