Which RuneScape God Do You Align With?

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This quiz was designed by a veteran RuneScape player. This quiz is designed to question your morals under the assumption that you are part of a kingdom.

Note: This quiz was designed to be objective, but I am only human. If you don't like your results, just take the quiz again, or make your own quiz with different questions. Enjoy!

Created by: Deejay
  1. What is your preferred position in combat?
  2. What is your most important virtue?
  3. What are your beliefs on the coexistence of multiple gods in the world?
  4. Would you give up your life to protect your people?
  5. Would you betray your king for a handsome reward, and a promise of comfort and wealth for the rest of your life?
  6. If your kingdom was invaded, what would be your first response?
  7. If your kingdom was facing a famine, what would you do?
  8. Why do you fight?
  9. What is the best plan for wealth and personal success?
  10. If you were imprisoned by an enemy force, how would you escape?
  11. Do you respect the elders of your kingdom?
  12. You've done a favor for your king. Do you expect payment?
  13. Do you donate to your community?
  14. Who are your people? (Species)
  15. You have unknowingly committed a crime. Do you confess?
  16. You have walked into an outrageous amount of wealth from a family member. What do you use it for?
  17. Your enemy has extended an olive branch to you. Do you try to make peace with him?
  18. What is the color of your kingdom?
  19. If you were asked to spy for an enemy power for a sum of money, would you do it?
  20. Your new king is corrupt. Do you accept the duty to execute him for the greater good of your people?
  21. Which familiar would be yours?
  22. You are ordered to testify after witnessing a crime, but the trial is out of your kingdom, and will take a long time. Do you stay and testify?
  23. Which skill set do you find most important?
  24. A king from a rival kingdom humbly asks for your help in their civil war. Do you accept this quest?
  25. What is your most valued attribute?
  26. Who is your favorite god?

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Quiz topic: Which RuneScape God do I Align With?

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