3:10 To Yuma. how well do you know.

There are many smart people, but few are true geniuses. If you think you are a true fan of 3:10 to Yuma, just try my quiz and see what I think about it!

Are YOU a true 3:10 to Yuma fan? try out my test and see if you really are a fan. Or just find out if you actually pay attention during a movie. Let's see what you've got!

Created by: jeff
  1. Who wants to shoot Hollander for burning the barn?
  2. What was in the book that will found in the seat at the hotel?
  3. Who killed Ben wade?
  4. Why did Ben say lucky to Dan?
  5. Who wants to shoot Hollander for burning the barn?
  6. why did Dan hang himself?
  7. What did Byron call Charlie Prince?
  8. who killed Ben Wade?
  9. What happened to the marshal and his deputies when the left the hotel?
  10. Why did Dan want to get Ben to the train so bad?
  11. how do we know that Ben Wade cared for Dan Evans?
  12. did Ben get hanged at Yuma prison? Why or why not?

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Quiz topic: 3:10 To Yuma. how well do I know.