2024 election UK!

This is a quiz to find out who you should vote for. Green? Labour, Lib Dem? Tory? Reform? BNP? Well its time to find out, as you embark upon this quiz.

TBH I need to put in a curtain amount of letters in to finish this damm paragraph so I will waffle for a bit. Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey? Come on just end.................... YES!!

Created by: FJW!!
  1. What is your opinion on the benefit system?
  2. Who is your favourite out of these people?
  3. What is your opinion on taxes?
  4. What is your immigration policy
  5. Which of the following best describes your position on education?
  6. What should we do with the NHS?
  7. Who is your favourite of these people part 2
  8. What is your opinion on the second Iraq war?
  9. Military spending should be?
  10. What is your opinion on free speech?
  11. What is your opinion on abortion?
  12. Has the transgender stuff gone to far.
  13. What is your opinion on Climate change
  14. What is your vision for the foreign policy of this country?
  15. Do you agree with the death penalty?
  16. Should people have the right to bare arms
  17. What is your opinion on Donald Trump?
  18. Random question, have you enjoyed this quiz so far? (this has no impact whatsoever on the test)
  19. What should be done to stop crime?
  20. Which of the following best describes your position on Social Security?
  21. What is your opinion on the Israel Palestine war?
  22. Who did you vote for last time?
  23. What is your opinion on free trade?
  24. Favourite out of these people part 2
  25. Bye!

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