1directionhater | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz 1directionhater.
1D is supposed to be the hottest boy band, but quite honestly, I just don't see what's so great about them. They're not that hot looking and thier music sounds ok, but the lyrics are pretty crappy and redundant. Big Time Rush was way better, I was fan-girling over them at age 12 because they were freaking sexy and thier music sounds awesome. Two years later I still kinda like them, but I'm nowhere near fan-girling. Moral of the story, Big Time Rush is better than 1D.
i dun like id. i like manga :D
1D SUX. ewww harry is the worst!!! my friends think theyre the hottest guys ever, im like NO THEYRE NOT lol!!!
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