
I have 1D i love 1D they are okay? not sure.... Dont come here but i have made them correct but be prepared for random questions too so it MAY be boring. (Im only 11 so yeh)

I Don't know what the hell this is but i cba doing this thing coz its so baaad and i have to write so booooored lalala YAY ALMOST done and done! bye bye

Created by: randomer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Welcome to the quiz, Do you like all 1D people?
  2. who is your favourite?
  3. Getting bored? means...
  4. 1D people are
  5. Random questions that have nothing to do with this. Who is the worst. my vote is answer 1.
  7. Who is ugliest (these are who i think in order from ugliest to nicest)
  8. This is so bad
  9. favourite food
  10. OMFG Get over and done wif this ( people i thot it wood b funner)
  11. Do you like 1D

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