Which of These Four Animals Are You Most Like?

Hey guys, back with another quiz! Throughout this quiz, you will be finding out which animal you are most like. Are you lofty and stubborn like a dog or fierce and ambitious like a lion? Take this quiz to find out!

There are four main results you may get: capybara, cat, dog, and lion. Just warning you so don't get your hopes up. Well anyways, hope y'all have fun and enjoy this quiz.

Created by: AnimalLoverDude
  1. Suppose your friend did a hurtful action toward you. How long would it take for you to forgive them?
  2. What would you do if someone were bullying your friend?
  3. If you caught one of your friends trying to cheat on a test, you would:
  4. What's your biggest flaw?
  5. Why do you think working hard in school is important?
  6. Are you a messy person?
  7. How much do good grades mean to you?
  8. Are you popular?
  9. Do people think you're cute?
  10. Do you get irritated easily?
  11. What's your favorite thing about sports?
  12. Are you more goofy or more serious?
  13. Lastly, did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which of These Four Animals am I Most Like?
