Which Animal in the Main Crew are You?

This quiz will tell you which of the main flock member you might be best friends with/would be in 20 questions. Maybe you’ll get who you’re hoping for!

Hopefully you enjoy this quiz and share it with anyone who knows about the crew*. Were any of these questions especially hard for you? *(the crew meaning the stuffed animals.)

Created by: Kiwi
  1. Are you sporty?
  2. What are your appearance goals?
  3. How much do you sleep?
  4. Which dessert out of these is the best?
  5. Uh oh! A bug is on the wall! What do you do?
  6. You have a very hard decision, my friend. Bloxsch, an evil corporation run by Evil Rosie (the evil alter ego of Rosie) has 3 airships above you. You must choose which airship to take down first! In the parentheses tell which department the ship is. Eg: (Defenses)
  7. What is your favorite beverage?
  8. What is your favorite color out of these?
  9. desert or dessert?
  10. Would you rather be…
  11. Would you rather eat…
  12. Would you rather be an…
  13. Pastel or dark colors?
  14. Night or Day?
  15. Is the Flock cool?
  16. What superpower would you want to have out of these?
  17. Would you rather..
  18. Where would you want to go most?
  19. Giraffes or Zebras?
  20. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Animal in the Main Crew am I?

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