What's your theriotype?

This quiz will tell you what your theriotype is! Potential options: Fox, Tiger, Mythical, Bird, Lion, Other. Please do not take this seriously. It does not define your personality!

Hope you like it! Just so you know, I am a griffin, making me ambitious, power-hungry, and capable. T h i s l a s t. b i t. i s for the limit of words.

Created by: Tessa Tierney
  1. Someone is approaching you and your friends. They seem nice enough. How do you react?
  2. What movie will you want to watch most of the time?
  3. Do you have any pets?
  4. This has no effect
  5. This also doesn't have an effect
  6. Neither does this
  7. Or this
  8. Yep, you guessed it...
  9. No effect.
  10. Last one! Yay!

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Quiz topic: What's my theriotype?
