Theriotype quiz, section 1

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This is a quiz to find your theriotype, or give you a general idea of what to research. This should not be your only resource to find your theriotype. Thus didn’t give you a species but a group of species

This is divided up into multiple sections. This this the first. The other section have more types of animals. Please take all of the sections to get the best out of this quiz.

Created by: Mak
  1. How playful are you?
  2. Do you feel connected to water?
  3. Air, Ground, Or water?
  4. What environment do you feel most connected to?
  5. If you cal have an animal part, what would it be?
  6. Are you loud?
  7. Introverted or extroverted?
  8. How do you feel like your legs should be
  9. Do you have a fear if heights
  10. Renember, there are more parts to this quiz. Please take all parts for the best results.

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