Which Grissom Rissole are You?

The Grissom Rissoles are prehaps the greatest football team that ever graced this earth. God I cant think of any other s--- to write apart from how bloody good we are. Yes we are tanks.

You want to know what rissole you'd be if had the chance to play for this prestigious team? NOw is your chance. Take the quiz and find out your rissole match.

Created by: Brooke
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What position do you play in football?
  2. What best descirbes your interests?
  3. What best describes your music taste?
  4. What colour hair do you have?
  5. What starsign are you?
  6. Can you drive?
  7. What words best describes you?
  8. Describe your complexion.
  9. Have you ever bitten a friend?
  10. If living in Campbelltown area where do you live? If not where would you like to live?

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Quiz topic: Which Grissom Rissole am I?