are you cool girl or hot babe?

Do you want to know who you are ? first of all this quiz is only for girls . Sorry boys me for the inconvenience. Alright girls are you ready to know that you are cool girl or hot babe . If you are then let's start this quiz

So , you know who you are ? If you dono then fastly get ready to answer this quiz . But before that tight your seat belts and get ready to play this quiz.

Created by: aishwariya
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. how is your hairstyle?
  3. how is your hairstyle?
  4. What do your parents or friends say about you?
  5. Which of these songs are your favourite?
  6. Which of these do you choose?
  7. Which of these do you choose?
  8. Choose one of these?
  9. which is your favourite place?
  10. Alright did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I cool girl or hot babe?