American Girl:What mythical animal are you?

This is a quiz found in an American girl magazine. I thought i would make it on GoToQuiz.I cannot take any credit for this quiz because It was made by American Girl. You get me?

Anyway, this quiz will tell you what mythical creature are you. I would prefer girls to take this quiz.Boys can take it, its just not approved.I hope you like this quiz and thank American Girl for making it!

Created by: rylinhuie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. At the library,you would most likely choose...
  2. On Saturday morning,you look out your bedroom window and hope to see..
  3. Whats most likely to be on yout nightstand?
  4. A friend is having a rough day and nothing seems to be going right. You...
  5. The science fair is coming up, your looking forward to...
  6. Oops.You were daydreaming on the way to school and almost missed the bus stop. You were...
  7. If you had to choose one word for an inspiring poster to hang in your room,it would be....
  8. Its time for a back-to-school haircut. You....
  9. Your family is planning a big trip text summer.You hope that you'll travel by....
  10. Your closest friend is....
  11. Thats all.
  12. Remember, I can not take any credit for this quiz.It was in an American girl magazine.
  13. Would you encourage me to make more of these quizs?

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Quiz topic: American Girl:What mythical animal am I?