Zombies- would you survive?

This is a comprehensive quiz to determine if, in the event of a zombie apocalypse, you are actually prepared, not only for that event, but also how you will survive in the coming months after.

In this quiz we will test your immediate response ability, as well as your long term plan for survival. Immediate survival is only part of the quiz. Long term survival is the goal.

Created by: Paulina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have any medical training?
  2. Do you have any military and/ or weapons training?
  3. Can you drive a stick shift?
  4. Can you operate a plane, boat, helicopter?
  5. Should alcohol be part of your equation?
  6. In the event of an attack what would your first response be?
  7. Quick decision you have time to go to one store which one would it be? Sporting goods store, hardware store, Walmart, grocery store, gun store
  8. How many of these items do you have in your home? Crowbar, hammer, knife, rope, bolt cutters, firearm.
  9. How many in your ideal survival group?
  10. If your best friend is infected what do you do?
  11. What is your weapon of choice?
  12. Would you allow senior citizens in your group?
  13. Do you include people in your group to be strictly expendable?
  14. After the first wave of Zombie attacks where is the best place to find food?
  15. Are you willing to eat a fallen comrade?
  16. After the initial wave of the zombie attacks where is your ideal long term camp?
  17. Of these six people who is least important to have in your survival camp?
  18. If confronted by a single Zombie without backup what is the best strategy?
  19. After the zombie attacks, when you come upon a group of armed survivors that out number you, but you have element of surprise, how should you precede?

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