zombie theoretical survival quiz

many think that a regular quiz is proof well this is all in scenes where u use your chose's and die or live but don't ever lie on the questions

can you survive this i don't think so don't even try it your not that smart prove me wrong now!! or don't try it and never forget that there are bad things for what you do

Created by: josh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. the virus just broke you and you're with you're best friend at you're house the weapons there are a knife a pistol 4 clips and a aluminum bat
  2. you and you're friend have left you're home for 5 days so far you found a match box but now every things in ruin you're in a town and what do you do
  3. you and you're friend have left you're home for 5 days so far you found a match box but now every things in ruin you're in a town and what do you do
  4. you found another man a scientist bound and gagged to a tree what do you do
  5. you are at a road you a caravan comes a commander hello have you seen a scientist really where is he he can maybe stop the zombies
  6. the zombies are fighting the scientist cure but they are winning and you're friend going crazy what do you do
  7. a chopper comes with medics and police they say come with us now or die out here you
  8. now whats better
  9. dog comes it looks like its bit
  10. with out looking how many clips did you have

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