zombie survival test (real)

their are the many people who are ready for the outbreak but are you. study up and take the test for a good time until the outbreak. i have to say this is my best test.

friend or zombie I may ask after the outbreak. or you may ask. a zombie is a human but just sick with a disease worse than any other. are you prepared.

Created by: satchel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. you wake up at home. as you walk down stairs you here screaming outside. you:
  2. if you have one of these weapons please pick one.
  3. if you have a fire arm what is your choice:
  4. you are walking down the street. the undead are every where.it's getting dark and you need a place to hide:
  5. you wake up from your hiding spot. you were lucky and the undead are gone. you saw a variety of cars. you pick:
  6. you come across some dynamite. you:
  7. your vehicle (if not a bike) runs out of gas and its getting dark. you:
  8. do you think your ready:
  9. you find some people huddled around a fire. they are well armed:
  10. you made it to a farm that looks pretty stable and undead proof. you:

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