Zombie Survival Test

Do you have what it takes to survive the incoming Zombie Apocalypse? Many people think they do but find out and take this quiz right now! It's more than just smarts to survive.

Do you want to survive the incoming Zombie Apocalypse? Many people don't know what the **** to do in that situation take this quiz and you'll become a kick*** zombie slayer!

Created by: Bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your at home watching tv when all of a sudden a news broadcast turns on and explains that people are turning crazy and biting the flesh of human beings, what do you do?
  2. Your family arrives at your house with tons of supplies what do you do?
  3. You spread the weapons between the family, their are about 15 people there, which weapon do you take?
  4. You need supplies for your family to survive, you and a couple of your cousins go to a nearby gas station to stock up while the rest hold down the fort. You arrive at the gas station, what do you take?
  5. On the way back from the gas station, you see some zombies, about 3, going towards you. How do you approach the situation?
  6. You make it back to the house and see that half of your family is dead and some are wounded. As you look around you see a bunch of dead zombies on the ground, how do you proceed?
  7. As you and your remaining members of your family are heading to a safe location, you see a parking lot with a bunch of cars, which one do you take?
  8. While your trying to get into the car, a bunch of zombies, about 100, come after your group, what do you do?
  9. While your trying to get away you get bit by a bunch of zombies what do you do? You have a handgun w/ 20 rounds, a machete, and 2 grenades.
  10. You survived the attack but suffer from tons of bites and scratches, what is your next move?

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