zombie survival quiz

I hope you do good on my quiz and like it if you have questions you can call me at this number 989 295 0133.

If you dident do good on my test im sorry you wont survive and to try a different test and see if you do better.

Created by: collin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Out of four items in your house what will you protect yourself with.
  2. If you ar traped in a room with three zombie what do you do.
  3. Do you live in the city? If so then how far are you from a gun store or police station.
  4. Do you live with other people if so are they murders.
  5. Are you suicidal.
  6. Do you live alone if so what will you do.
  7. Where would you go during this event.
  8. If you were being kidnapped what would you do.
  9. If you get knoked down by a zombie what do you do.
  10. If you get shot in the arm what do u do

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