ZOMbie survival quiz

this quiz is basic you just take it to see if you might suvive the first wave dont worry if you dont survive youll probably still be walking around eating flesh!

so please if your about to die make sure you wont be back thats one more life the survivors have to re-end and if you do remember zombies are people to just dead and vicuois never mind

Created by: mandi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you here about the apacolipse on the news and the first thing you do is
  2. your surounded zombies ever where your best friend is changing and you have your group with you but your unarmed you would
  3. your best friend was bit he didnt tell you he is on the ground the fever has set in what to do
  4. where do you sleep
  5. who would you sacrifice
  6. would you keep an animal
  7. what do you do for supplies
  8. you been injured and cant operate your dominant arm what do you do for protection
  9. what does your group consist of besides family
  10. what wuold you do if you were bitten
  11. last one howdoes it start the infection

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