Zombie Survival | Comments

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  • I love how people are saying it's accurate. The main reason they call it "accurate" is because their result was "you're an expert!" This quiz is not accurate, seeing that it lacks many choices that could have been done.

    I'm not saying to add all the different options in the world, but come on! The options/choices are restating the same thing.

    The quiz only asked about equipment, and if one possesses a certain type of item. Even if the person who takes the quiz does have it, it doesn't mean he/she know how to use it. Basically, almost every option would lead to the "you're an expert!" result. This quiz does not take brains to "ace", folks!

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  • Zombie Survival
    Your Result: expert

    Your an expert! You know exactly what to do, and how to do it. You will lead your group to survival,and safty. Good job, hero. The only way your going down is a nuke!

    only if the nuke hits me directly:)

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  • by FAR the best zombie quiz ever! EXTREMELY ACCURATE. you know what your doing dude. you rock are a zombie expert!

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