zombie survival

this quiz is based upon wether or not you would survive the zombie invasion. I personally am a little paranoid about it so I have plans for it so I will be ready.

I have an escape route for every room I am in for more than 2 hours a day. ik I sound crazy but still, when it does happen I will be ready and u all will be dead. accept that one hot chick that's reading that now. yes u!!!!

Created by: dakota
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what area do you live in?
  2. how many possible weapons do you have near you now?
  3. scenario #1: you are in your house. you have just woken up and are watching tv. a breaking news report comes on your favorite channel and it says that there is a riot in the main part of the city and is quickly spreading to the outer reaches. they say the riot is caused by a biological weapon being released. what do you do?
  4. you and your mom are driving down a highway. there isn't much traffic today. you see a car against a big tree spewing smoke everywhere. your mom doesn't seem to notice it.(its off behind some bushes but u saw it) what do you do
  5. you have finally ran out of food you knew it would eventually happen. you have a small group of survivors (5-10). what do you do to get more supplies?
  6. what is the best blunt weapon to use?
  7. what is the best sharp weapon.
  8. what is the best firearm for a zombie invasion
  9. did you enjoy this quiz? be careful In what u say
  10. idk one for the last question so imam ask this.... did u rlly like it?

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