zombie quiz for real

If you can maybe survive then happy for you. Thats' it i have to say about this.

If you can't survive then happy for you. Thats' it i have to say about this. Lol

Created by: kurisu
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know how to used an melee weapon, or a gun?
  2. If you were looting and a horde came what do you do.
  3. What kind of "group" you would be in.
  4. How much can you lift?
  5. Can you know how to kill with your bare hands?
  6. Are you an sprinter or marathoner
  7. Do you have dogs?
  8. pick the best answer for you
  9. would you kidnapped someone as a hostage or get items for there group?
  10. do You have any survival traing

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