Zemme gess what USA region yer in

You can come from many different places, but you are just from one. I hope your ready to figure out what somebody that probably doesn't know you, would think you were from, If you didn't tell them.

Are you truly from the place I might say? You will never know until you find out... (that made like no sense whatsoever). So umm... have a nice day humans.

Created by: Wizard_Hunter
  1. Do you have a southern accent?
  2. Which is closer, Disney World (Florida) Or Disney Land (California)
  3. If you got to choose to live in the North or South, you would choose:
  4. Are you human (I will ask weird questions left because I have to have at least 12, but there are just too little questions to ask)
  5. Are you an alien?
  6. Do you live near the border of the USA and Mexico or the border of the USA and Canada?
  7. Would you rather eat a lollipop, or eat a milky way?
  8. Would you rather play as Mario, or Luigi
  9. Would you rather have southern or northern food?
  10. Are you human?
  11. Last question, did you enjoy my questions?

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